Thursday 12 November 2009

Genre Conventions


The lighting within any type of thriller is usaully a colour that connotates something, for example, a dark alley way can connote suspition, death or even violence. Whereas in any typical romantic film you might have a red light to connote lust.


For a thriller, as an audience, we gennerally notice alot of non-diagetic sounds, such as; music. This helps to create that certain aura that the director is trying to bring across, leaving the audience in a state of shock or unsure.


Editing is quite simple throughout a thriller, as you would want to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats, and by doing that, jump cuts would be used, with the occassional transaction like disolving - but only at the end of a section would you use a transaction like disolve otherwise it could get to complex.

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