Tuesday 17 November 2009

Detailed Treatment

As we fade in, we notice a woman who is sitting quietly in the corner of the room, cramped and issolated. She was wearing a straight jacket and was rocking back and forth, to connote madness and loss of sanity. A high angled shot helped to show how belittled she feels as the audience is looking down apon this woman, also the room is dimly lit and a non-diagetic music will be playing to emphasise the tension within the room.

After zooming into the womans face, a transaction takes place; a white flash which leads into the title sequence. The music is still playing at this point as we were still unsure of what is happening within the scene. There is another non-diagetic sound within this transaction, which is a school bell, this indicates the awareness of what has just happened and the surroundings. The title Voices pops up through the white screen. The word 'voices' made an audience think about what happened throughout the movie.

The white then fades into a fog like substance and analeptic jump comes into view when we see the exact same woman as before. Sky, 15 years of age, is walking through park at dusk. Wearing a school uniform and carrying a bag and books, a wide angled and panning shot was watching the young woman walking through the dark,dingy and dismal walk through leading to the park. She fast fowarded a few times, to create that aura of suspition and confussion, yet the audience do not suspect her as a threat or a victim.

Getting closer to the camera, the woman finally stops when the camera was close-up, the camera then zooms into her eyes for the reaction and then some diagetic sound comes into play. The darkness of outside means a little bit of light would be needed so that we can see the eyes to help us capture the image. Until this point the music is still be playing, but queitly, which shows the link between the first section to this section after the title sequence.

Whilst she is walking, and stopping on the odd occasion, a person was amongst the trees is watching the young maiden.

When all of that has been astablished, we then have that flash of white again, which goes into the young girl in a straight jacket and into the corner again. The music comes back on, still queit, and the camera zoomed into her, getting closer, to build up more tension then needed, but the lighting doesn't change from the first time we see this image, as it shows the link between the the analeptic jumps. We added the flash for the end of this section to help know that it is the end of the image.

Coming back to the young woman walking, we used tracking shot as she pace's herself a little faster as she is spooked because of what had just happened. She turns around and there behind her is a friend. The lighting is of the sun setting as we wanted it to be natural light (from outside) because it gives all sorts of atmosphere's. We also hear the girl out of breathe to clarify that she is scared.

As the music gets louder, a close-up of the characters miming a conversation came into play, we then jumped cut into the mantrying to talk her into loving him.
The music softens again as there was a mid-shot of the young girl getting up to running away. A close-up of the mans face was then shown on the screen as he is angry. A diagetic sound came out of the mans mouth.

We track the girl for a while, then the camera turned around to her face as she was holding the camera to give the effect that the audience are running with her. No music was playing anymore, but we heard the sound of her breath and the non-diagetic sound of 'voices'.

Still holding the camera, the girl falls down and is then unconsious, this gives the effect that we are with her at the time of the confusion.

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